The O. Henry Playhouse

O. Henry HOME

O. Henry HOME

Volume 1 Episodes:

Reformation of Calliope

Man About Town

Sam Plunkett's Promise

Two Renegades

The Marionettes

Fog in Santone

Hearts and Hands

Blackjack Bargainer

World and the Door

The Guilty Party

A Ramble in Aphasia

Fourth in Salvador

After Twenty Years

Volume 2 Episodes:

Reformation of Calliope

Man About Town

Sam Plunkett's Promise

Two Renegades

After Twenty Years

Fog in Santone

Hearts and Hands

Blackjack Bargainer

World and the Door

The Guilty Party

A Ramble in Aphasia

Fourth in Salvador

After Twenty Years

Volume 3 Episodes:

Reformation of Calliope

Man About Town

Sam Plunkett's Promise

Two Renegades

After Twenty Years

Fog in Santone

Hearts and Hands

Blackjack Bargainer

World and the Door

The Guilty Party

A Ramble in Aphasia

Fourth in Salvador

After Twenty Years

After white strip

The O. Henry Playhouse

Starring William Bryant, Susan Morrow

Walking the streets at night O. Henry admires a fur coat on a mannequin in a store window and relates a yarn about sables to the store janitor. Former hooligan Eddie Kid Brady forsakes leadership of the Stovepipe Gang and trains to be a plumber out of love for his sweetheart Molly McKeever. He gifts her a sable stole on the same day that one disappears from a swank apartment where Eddie had just repaired the plumbing. Will their mutual love and trust prevail or will the law step in?

"The O. Henry Playhouse" is a 1957 single season, 39-episode TV series. O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) is considered one of America's greatest writers of short stories. His writings are laced with humor and irony and often end with a sly twist ending. Veteran character actor Thomas Mitchell stars in each episode as writer O. Henry himself as he relates his stories to his publisher, his housekeeper, a barber, a bartender, or the cop on the beat. In some episodes, O. Henry meets his characters as he discovers firsthand the story he will later write. This unique storytelling method gives great insight into the famous author's creative process.

You can read the original literary version of "Vanity and Some Sables" HERE and compare it with the many changes in the film adaptation. "Vanity and Some Sables" is one of 13 episodes in Vol. Two of "The O. Henry Playhouse." The films have been beautifully restored on DVD by the home video label ClassicFlix!

The O. Henry Playhouse: VANITY AND SOME SABLES
With appreciation to CTVA

Producer Donald Hyde
Written for TV by George Waggner
Directed by Peter Godfrey
Hosted and Narrated by Thomas Mitchell
Guest stars:
William Bryant, Susan Morrow.
Home from the wars, Eddie 'Kid' Brady is set to resume leadership of the tough Eastside gang. However, Molly, his
sweetheart, has been making plans for Eddie to become a plumber and quit the gang or she won't marry him.

O henry and 
  Thoma Mitchell

O henry and 
  Thoma Mitchell

Volume 3 is Coming Soon!

O henry and 
  Thoma Mitchell